Tuesday 20 September 2016

Charlotte Chamber's "deal" on HB2 a losing proposition

It amounts to nothing more than capitulation:

Gov. Pat McCrory and state leaders tell us HB2 has not hurt the North Carolina economy. Did they ask the dozens of communities, hundreds of businesses and thousands of workers in North Carolina that have lost work and tens of millions at the hands of the LGBT bashing legislation what they think? Obviously not.

For months McCrory, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, the state GOP and the legislative leadership, have been pinning the blame for the HB2 fallout, wrongly and irresponsibly, on Charlotte’s city council. The city council did nothing wrong. IT PASSED AN ORDINANCE SIMILAR TO LAWS AND ORDINANCES PASSED IN 200 OTHER COMMUNITIES AROUND THE NATION. The ordinances have been workable and responsible.

I am so sick and tired of Republicans pointing the finger at Charlotte and saying, "You started it!" The truth is, they saw HB2 as more of a political step to energize their bigoted base than an effort to protect privacy. They also saw it as a convenient vehicle to enact anti-worker legislation that would be tough to pass outside of a hot-button piece of legislation. And if this is the way the Chamber of Commerce does business:


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