Tuesday 20 September 2016

Rob Schofield deconstructs GOP's fictional narrative on NC median income

The picture is not nearly as pretty as it's been painted:

It’s understandable (and perhaps even a little poignant) that some on the right have been trying so hard of late to put a positive spin on the state of the North Carolina economy. If there’s even the tiniest snippet of encouraging economic news out there these days – anywhere – you can rest assured that conservative politicians and “think tankers” will seize upon it, gather round it and hold it aloft like ancient cavepeople celebrating the discovery of a shiny ingot.

I love that imagery. The only thing missing is the theme music from 2001: A Space Odyssey where the ape discovers the thigh bone can be used as a weapon. Which is exactly what the John Lockers and Civitassers try to use these "discoveries" for; to destroy the links between government and the people who are (or should be) helped by it. And if ignoring guidance designed to keep you from misrepresenting statistics can help in that crusade, they are game:


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