Friday 16 September 2016

McCrory's rhetoric now just chanting "North Carolina!" over and over again

This is just embarrassing:

“I’ve got to assume it’s politics because this is the No. 1 state in the presidential campaign, this is the No. 1 gubernatorial race in the United States of America,” McCrory said. “I can’t prove that, but why would they not be doing this in Texas right now?”

“We’re going to plug on,” McCrory said. “North Carolina is resilient. North Carolina is strong. North Carolina is inclusive. North Carolina is welcoming. And I am going to defend North Carolina.”

Because the more you blurt out the name of your state, the more it proves your love. In reality, this sounds more like a guy who knows his girlfriend is about to break up with him than a confident elected official. Geez.

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