Tuesday 27 September 2016

Gun-nuts to raffle a "Hillary Clinton Special" AR-15

The Secret Service needs to be all over this:

We all know that if Hillary Clinton is elected President on November 8, panic buying will ensure that by November 9, there won’t be a gun (or ammunition) available for love nor money. That’s why the GRNC Political Victory Fund – GRNC’s federally registered political action committee – is giving you what might be among the last chances to get…

A Palmetto State Armory M4-configured AR-15;
1,000 rounds of high quality ammunition, and (wait for it);
A FREE PORTRAIT OF HILLARY CLINTON! (Of course, we won’t tell you what to do with the photo, but when we ran a picture of Hillary on the front of our newsletter, we heard it was very popular at the range.)

These guys have been out of control for a long time, bullying legislators, local government officials, and even privately-owned businesses who choose to ban weapons on their premises. And they don't even have the common sense to understand their aggressive behavior seriously undermines their own argument, that people have "nothing to fear" from gun-toting fellow citizens. And they're also hypocrites, of the white supremacy species: Trump has been talking about "stop and frisk" lately, which includes gun confiscation when they are found:


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