Thursday 12 January 2017

NC State Scores Fewer Points than Boston College in a College Basketball Game


NC State fell to 1-3 in the ACC on Wednesday night with another embarrassing loss at Boston College. The score was 74-66 The effort isn’t there, the coaching isn’t there, and the awareness isn’t there. Really nothing is there, except for a whole crapload of talent, which is being thoroughly wasted by poor coaching and a dumb as dirt half-court offense that forces poor shots, which the Pack apparently has no problem taking, even three seconds into the shot clock. State cannot score when it doesn’t run, because the system is awful. This was on display Wednesday when the Pack scored 66 points against a bad basketball team and missed countless bad shots that were result of seemingly pointless offensive possessions. Defensively, you know what never mind, I’m not even going to go there.

State has a conference championship caliber roster. This team really does have that level of talent. A conference championship was probably never a realistic expectation, because of how young this team is and the fact that most of the guys had never played a game together. As of now though, this team isn’t even going to make the tournament, which is embarrassing to the point of disbelief. An elite point guard, perimeter shooting, interior depth, athleticism all around, it’s really all there. Unfortunately a basketball team is never the sum of its parts, and in this case it appears to be much less.

I’d love to believe that some 1983 style turnaround is coming, and should something like that happen, I will gladly eat every word I have written on this page. This team is just bad though, and I don’t see how it gets better given so many of the things that plague it currently have been a staple of the entire Gottfried tenure. State is now 1-5 against the top six conferences, with only one of those losses by single digits. Whatever.

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