Sunday 13 November 2016

Is van der Vaart trying to take his incompetence to DC?

Birds of a feather destroy the environment together:

President-elect Donald Trump has named Myron Ebell to head up his transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The news was met with name-calling, even though Ebell agrees with the same position taken by a former top scientist with the Obama administration, Steve Koonin (formerly of Cal Tech) namely, that scientists simply do not know what fraction of observed global warming is due to manmade CO2 emissions.

Consequently, Ebell has expressed concern about EPA positions, including the Clean Power Plan. The EPA’s controversial power plan is based on an inadequate understanding of global warming and should not drive our middle class into energy poverty against congressional will.

Koonin worked for British Petroleum before his brief stint at the Department of Energy, and is widely considered as much of a nut-job as Myron Ebell. And van der Vaart's "what fraction" argument is merely the next tier for Climate Change deniers. They've given up on the idiotic "man doesn't cause this" position because it is patently indefensible, so now they demand a hyper-accurate, to-the-decimal-point percentage of how much carbon is anthropomorphic vs natural. Nevermind the fact that vulcanism is wildly erratic from year to year, so that percentage is naturally a moving target. Oh no, now you're bringing more science into it. Can't have that. Van der Vaart is an embarrassment, frankly, and we can't be shut of him soon enough.

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