Wednesday 2 November 2016

In his own words, Burr is unfit to serve another term

The sheer arrogance is mind-boggling:

Last Saturday, during a private meeting with supporters in Mooresville, Burr promised, despite earlier statement to the contrary, to continue to block judicial appointments if a Democrat is elected president. “If Hillary Clinton becomes president, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that four years from now, we’ve still got an opening on the Supreme Court,” Burr boasted. “This is not tough for me. I have the longest judicial vacancy in the history of the United States in the Eastern District of North Carolina.”

It's one thing to refuse to do your job, resulting in a crisis in our system of justice. But to actually be proud of that, to consider it a "worthy" characteristic? That's so childishly narcissistic it defies an adequate description.

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