Tuesday 6 September 2016

Ross blasts Burr over voting record, policy positions

Poking where it hurts:

Ross said her campaign has focused on economic security from the beginning, meaning protecting and stabilizing Medicare and Social Security. She said Burr has voted to allow cuts to Social Security and wants to turn Medicare into a voucher program.

“You know what that means — less money that goes to the individual recipient and more money that goes to insurance companies,” Ross said. She said she has been all over the state and has not talked to anybody who thinks that turning Medicare into a voucher program is a good idea.

This is exactly the right approach to erode Burr's Teflon coating: Exposing his attacks on Social Security and Medicare to all those 60+ voters who turn out in droves to support Republicans. If the GOP was able to get everything they want in Washington, those retired people would be hung out to dry in short order. But instead of debating Ross on policy, the Burr campaign is relying on ad hominem rhetoric:


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