Thursday 1 September 2016

Once again, Zane tries to defend the indefensible

Attacking Elon students for speaking their minds:

Recently, more than 150 people who identified themselves as Elon students signed a petition demanding that the school disinvite the woman tapped to deliver the Baird Pulitzer Lecture on Oct. 4. Who is this enemy of the state? Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post, whose syndicated column appears in newspapers around the country. Her crime: raising questions about modern feminism.

Thankfully, Elon’s leaders rejected this petition. But this incident illuminates a frightening trend that represents nothing less than an existential threat to American democracy – the rise of the authoritarian left.

Considering that Parker has been pushing the ludicrous "war on men" theory, which postulates the patriarchal society problem is merely a construct of out-of-control feminism, while also marginalizing the campus rape crisis by bashing girls who drink alcohol and have "second thoughts" the next day, I don't blame Elon students for trying to keep her blathering off the campus. But as usual, Zane misses the forest for the trees:

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