Monday 6 March 2017

Thanks to Trump DOJ, Supreme Court punts transgender case

No relief for Gavin anytime soon:

The justices said Monday they have opted not to decide whether federal anti-discrimination law gives high school senior Gavin Grimm the right to use the boys' bathroom in his Virginia school. The case had been scheduled for argument in late March. Instead, a lower court in Virginia will be tasked with evaluating the federal law known as title IX and the extent to which it applies to transgender students.

The high court action follows the Trump administration's recent decision to withdraw a directive issued during Barack Obama's presidency that advised schools to allow students to use the bathroom of their chosen gender, not biological birth. The administration action triggered legal wrangling that ended with Monday's order.

I have a feeling the Trump administration is going to leave a lot of people swinging in the wind, with no hope of any sort of protections.

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