Tuesday 7 March 2017

NC State makes cameo appearance at ACC tournament in Brooklyn

G’night, folks!

Well, that’ll be all of that that there’s gonna be of that this year. NC State closed out its season as appropriately as possible, losing by double digits to the 12th-best team in the ACC. A fine time was had by no one. Well I dunno maybe some people had a fine or at least goodish time, I mean if they weren’t working and were watching basketball instead even crappy basketball it would be hard to say that they were not relatively speaking have a fine time of sorts and

Whoops I got distracted there. Anyway, the basketball team did bad again. Mark Gottfried was fired for a reason. Tim Brando is a dolt. Sports are bad, never follow sports. Delete the bookmark to this website and devote yourself to something important, like science and shit.

We all had a great season, but alas the team could not reciprocate. We’ll see ya next time.


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