Monday 6 March 2017

Monday News: Join the club


SCHUMER HAS 'SOME DOUBTS' ABOUT SENATE INTELLIGENCE CHAIR BURR (NBC News) -- — Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Sunday morning that he has "some doubts about" Richard Burr, the North Carolina Republican senator and chairman of the Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence, which is looking into Russia's attempts to influence the last election. Burr "first denied that they should even investigate," Schumer charged during an exclusive interview on NBC's "Meet The Press." Schumer also responded to Trump's series of tweets on Saturday that alleged President Obama ordered a wiretap of communications at Trump Tower before the election. The suggestion was "beneath the dignity of the presidency," Schumer said. "It is something that really hurts people's view of government. It's 'civilization-warping,' as Ben Sasse, a conservative Republican, called it. And I don't know of any president, Democrat or Republican in the past, who has done this. It shows this president doesn't know how to conduct himself."

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