Monday 6 March 2017

ACC tournament odds: NC State’s chances this week are, shall we say, not good

Shocking news, I know.

You’d better sit down before you hear this news: NC State, believe it or not, has extremely long odds of winning the 2017 ACC tournament. I don’t understand it myself, I mean how hard could it be to win five games in a row, all of which would be upsets? You are lies, math, lies I tell you!

But anyway, here’s the math from Ken Pomeroy. NC State has a 0.009% chance of winning the ACC tourney this year. However, if you read that percentage backwards it’s a 900% chance of winning. Likely much closer to the truth, I’d say.

State is given only a 27.9% chance of beating Clemson on Tuesday, and that combined with what would be long odds against Duke gives the Pack a mere 3.6% chance of making it to the quarterfinals on Thursday.

Prove them wrong, kids, prove them wrong! I believe that you can do it! Well, no, that’s not true.

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