Friday 17 June 2016

The next attack on wind energy: Aviation corridors

The battle continues:

A proposal headed to the Senate floor would add requirements to the lengthy permitting process for wind farms to ensure they don't conflict with the training needs of North Carolina military bases. Sen. Harry Brown, R-Onslow, gutted House Bill 763, which was to establish a legislative task force on regulatory reform, and replaced it with the Military Operations Protection Act of 2016, including a color-coded map marking areas used for jet and helicopter training, primarily in eastern North Carolina.

"Having a 500-foot wind turbine in the flight pattern of a jet going 1,000 mph doesn't make sense to me," Brown said.

Bolding mine. If you think it's merely a coincidence that Art Pope's Civitas just lost its court case to (extremely) over-regulate wind turbines, and Harry Brown decided to motorcycle vagina a bill to embark on a new attack of the wind industry, I've got a bridge to nowhere in which I'd like you to invest. What Harry Brown and his co-horts haven't told their colleagues is that the FAA has an entire division dedicated to researching potential obstacles for aircraft flight paths, and is all over the wind turbine situation:

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