Saturday 18 June 2016

Burr flip-flops on gun control measure

Trying to walk back his idiotic comments from a few days ago:

Burr, like many other Republicans this week, said he’ll work with Democrats leading the call for gun laws that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying weapons. Monday will bring more Senate debate on at least four measures related to terrorist “watch lists” and access to guns.

He supports a “no-fly, no-buy” approach, Burr said Thursday, referring to a key provision. Democrats are seeking to ban gun sales to people whose names appear on the U.S. government’s “no fly” list. If the proposal includes a “due process” provision that would allow U.S. citizens to refute the evidence that’s landed them on the list, Burr says he supports the idea.

The bill Burr voted against back in December had that very provision as the 2nd line item, but he either didn't read the damn thing or is positioning himself to be the one who includes it in a "new" bill. And in case you've forgotten what he said five days ago: “These individuals are U.S. citizens, and we take their Second Amendment right away because the FBI interviews them?” The bottom line: Burr is well aware Deborah Ross will use that prior vote against him; heck, she already has. And now he's doing what he always has done, rewriting history. Ugh.

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