Wednesday 29 June 2016

GOP doubles-down on HB2 bigotry: Sex reassignment "certificate" required

Either show me your woo-woo or show me your papers:

A leaked draft of proposed changes to N.C. House Bill 2 ignited controversy Tuesday, drawing criticism from both supporters and detractors of the law.

The leaked draft of the changes, widely circulated this week, would: Keep the bathroom provisions as they are. Create a “certificate of sex reassignment” for North Carolinians who come from states without a way to update birth certificates. Since many transgender people do not wish to have surgery to obtain a new birth certificate, LGBT advocates oppose such a plan. They also express concern that this would effectively create a state registry of those who have had such surgeries, raising privacy issues.

And once again, the faux-Libertarian "privacy rights" crowd produces a deafening silence. Liberty for some, tyranny for others, especially if those others don't conform to a broken moral compass wielded by self-appointed religious prophets. What's funny (really not funny) is how Tea Party nutters obsess over the dangers posed by ISIS and "Radical Islam," but I'm beginning to think they're just jealous. Jealous that they can't march through a town and summarily execute deviants and/or tribes that refuse to conform to their twisted ideologies. Is that hyperbole? Examine the parallels and then get back to me.

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