Thursday 16 June 2016

Pittenger not out of the woods yet

I had a feeling this would happen:

In a letter delivered Wednesday to the N.C. Board of Elections, Republican congressional candidate Mark Harris formally requested a recount in the primary election to become the GOP nominee in North Carolina’s 9th District. Harris, a Charlotte pastor, trailed U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger, the incumbent, by less than 1 percent in the unofficial vote totals reported on Election Day last week.

Official canvass results reported Tuesday by the eight counties in the 9th Congressional District put Pittenger ahead by 135 votes. That’s seven votes fewer than the 142-vote margin he had Election Day.

With all the weird stuff going on with provisional ballots, 135 votes is not a great stretch to overcome. That being said, I'm not a big Mark Harris fan. There are way too many bible-thumpers in Congress already, and the last thing they need is another Pastor to render grand oratories.

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