Monday 13 June 2016

If you had any doubt NC is a 2016 battleground state...

You can put those doubts to rest:

Hillary Clinton is bringing her presidential campaign to North Carolina this month. The presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee will be in Raleigh on June 21 to discuss her vision for America, her campaign announced Saturday afternoon.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, plans to be in North Carolina on Tuesday for a campaign rally in Greensboro.

And so it begins. Between this fight for the purple and all the downballot races, including a likely new record for US Senate spending, the television commercials, robocalls, and hyperbolic mailers are going to be pounding us for the next five months. What can mere bloggers do to alter this big-money barrage? If you see something wonky (not right), provide whatever evidence you can find to debunk it. Something outrageous printed on a mailer? Scan it, share it. Just as we don't have the luxury to blow up the establishment and hope a gingerbread house is built to replace it, we don't have the luxury to assume somebody else, like maybe our newly-minted Politifact site, will uncover/discover Republican lies. I won't promise you'll be successful, but I will promise you will become more knowledgeable about the issues in question.

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