Tuesday 14 June 2016

NC GOP: Allow concealed weapons without a permit

Welcome again to Bizarro World:

§ 14‑415.35. Carrying concealed weapons.

(a) Carrying Concealed Weapon. – Any person who is a citizen of the United States and is at least 21 years old may carry a concealed weapon in this State unless provided otherwise by law.

Forget about unqualified North Carolinians gaming the system by obtaining a Virginia carry license to meet NC's Reciprocity agreement. Also, forget about reciprocity entirely. That "citizen of the United States" wording basically allows people who cannot concealed-carry in their own state (if that state doesn't allow CC) to come right into North Carolina and do so indiscriminately. This bill is the epitome of irresponsibility, and the entire world will be gaping at us in disbelief before the sun sets today.


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