Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Koch Brothers' insidious propaganda machine

Coming soon to a University near you:

The 900,000 state employees in the North Carolina pension fund might face a bleaker picture than they realize.

According to a research report published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, the state’s main pension system faces a $34.5 billion shortfall, many times higher than what the state estimates through the Treasurer’s office.

Of course you won't see any of the following in the above article, because journalistic standards (in general) are in decline, and that goes triple for these "Biz" journals. But the Mercatus Center is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries. Not only does Charles Koch and at least two of his employees sit on the Board of Directors, Koch has donated close to ten million dollars to Mercatus to help him forward his various agendas:

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