Wednesday 13 January 2016

More regressive sales taxes on NC's horizon

And the Taxed Enough Already crowd is strangely silent:

But the state still ranks 33rd in the sales tax category because North Carolina’s sales tax is not broad enough, according to the foundation. Republican Sen. Andy Wells of Hickory said that is a cause for concern.

“We’re still in the bad half of the country as far as sales tax,” he told Drenkard. “Can you give us ideas of things we could look at to get our sales tax ranking down?”

Let me translate that for you, because Republicans and their conservative "think" tanks have (once again) crafted a language all their own to describe their misplaced priorities: By "bad" half Andy means they haven't shifted the tax burden onto the shoulders of the poor and middle-class enough yet, and bringing our sales tax "ranking down" will actually entail increasing the sales taxes citizens will end up paying. Hope that helps.

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