Saturday 4 February 2017

This NC State basketball season is a disaster and that is entirely Mark Gottfried’s fault

welcome to the whatever this is moving forward

You can paint this basketball season however you want. Here are the baseline facts (no pun intended) we’re dealing with: NC State’s basketball team is terrible, and it lost again Saturday, in a terrible lack of effort, this time blowing a double-digit lead to an inferior Miami team.

NC State in the last month has made its defensive identity a zone look that it has absolutely no idea how to operate—this is the most incompetent bunch of dudes pretending to try at defense that I have ever seen. They do not care. Gottfried is lost.

If there was a way back from this year’s slow start, it needed to be this week, but instead, all these clowns just went to sleep, once again backing away from a challenge. How you recruit a giant team of wimps like this, I don’t know. It’s impressive, I mean just kinda, in that it’s exceptionally improbable.

This falls on Mark Gottfried, who is paid, in theory, to know how basketball works. These days he is just rage-shouting into the sky because none of what he is imploring behind closed doors is being accepted. That’s it. It’s that simple. Gottfried has lost all confidence—which is perhaps tenable if you have players that also buy into just not being insulted.

The players are fine with being insulted on the court night in and night out, and that includes Dennis Smith, which says more than is needed here.

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