Wednesday 22 February 2017

Republican snowflakes hide from their constituents

When you have no answers, questions are to be avoided at all costs:

It’s not that there isn’t time for such meetings, it’s just that many in North Carolina’s congressional delegation, like many others around the nation, simply don’t want to face angry and confused constituents. They’ve seen and read the reports of the raucous confrontations and are doing all they can to avoid those difficult scenes.

“As of late, it has become apparent that some individuals who are not really interested in meaningful dialogue attend town halls just to create disruptions and media spectacles,” Tillis recently wrote to a constituent who was seeking a public forum with the senator.

When the Tea Party was yelling at Democratic Representatives during their Town Halls, people like Tillis were rubbing their hands together in glee. But the Dems (for the most part) kept showing up, and the yelling dropped off. It doesn't always work out like that, and the people protesting GOP Senators and Representatives need to understand there are limits to what they should do, lines they should not cross, in their zest for accountability. But completely ignoring them will only make things worse:

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