Tuesday 14 February 2017

NC State calls report that it has reached out to Archie Miller ‘incorrect and blatantly irresponsible’

They have to say this, though.

In the ABC 11 report from Mark Armstrong about Mark Gottfried’s impending firing, Armstrong also mentioned that NC State has already sent feelers out regarding Archie Miller. Not surprisingly, NCSU issued a strongly-worded statement denying that.

Statement on @PackMensBball and report earlier this evening: http://pic.twitter.com/JBlReNJpcn

— Fred Demarest (@Fred_Demarest) February 14, 2017

Nobody associated with an athletics department in an official capacity is ever gonna be like, “oh yeah, we’ve been vetting guys through back channels for weeks now.” That ain’t how it works—officially—and so a statement like this one from NCSU ultimately becomes necessary, even if there isn’t an ounce of truth to it.

This carefully and forcefully worded brief statement is an obvious tell—the Gott Man’s days are numbered, that is pretty well understood by now, but note how that whole subject gets danced around back to “no we did not get our hands caught in the cookie jar!”

Folks on Twitter have suggested this news got out sooner than NC State expected, and I think that’s likely the correct interpretation based on everything that’s happened this evening. They were not quite ready for this to pop 48 hours ahead of the UNC game, with a month left in the season.


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