Sunday 26 February 2017

Sunday News: Comrade Burr gets chastised


LAWMAKER WARNS BURR OVER REPORTS HE TRIED TO HELP QUASH RUSSIA STORIES Bloomberg News) -- The Senate Intelligence Committee's top Democrat warned the panel's chairman over reports that the Republican worked with the White House to try to squash negative stories about Russian interference in last year's U.S. elections, calling it a threat to the integrity of the top congressional probe into the issue. "If Chairman Burr is discussing classified matters with the press and pre-judging the committee's investigation, all at the behest of the White House, it's hard to imagine how he could convince me or the public of his impartiality," Wyden said in a email statement. "If that is the case, I intend to co-sponsor legislation creating an independent commission to investigate Russia's interference in our democracy."

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