Monday 6 February 2017

NC State trails Pitt by a hair for honor of ACC’s worst defense

But the hard-charging Pack has closed the gap.

Clearly there is only one thing left to do, folks: win the whole damn thing. And by “damn thing” I mean “mythical championship for worst ACC team defense.” Amazingly, NC State does not have the worst defense in ACC play—that honor currently belongs to Pittsburgh.

The race, however is a tight one.

Points allowed per 100 possessions in ACC games only:

1.) Pitt — 118.9
2.) NCSU — 117.2
3.) Clemson — 115.3

The Wolfpack has powered through the mid-point of league play by giving up 1.27 PPP to Louisville, 1.35 to Syracuse, and 1.35 to Miami to close the gap on the Panthers. But this league crown—like all others that are completely real and also a real honor—often are hard fought down to the wire.

By the way, I looked back to 2002 and only a few teams have finished the year allowing 1.17 points per possession or worse. None has ever allowed 1.18 in a season. (Granted, this is partly unfair to this season’s crop of contenders, since the overall offense in the ACC is as good as it has ever been and I’ve been ignoring that context. But a title’s a title, pal!)

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