Saturday 22 August 2015

Main Street Dem opposes municipal broadband

Rep. Michael Wray co-authors a propaganda-laced op-ed:

The Federal Communications Commission, in Washington, D.C., recently voted to overturn a North Carolina law that set limits on municipal broadband networks. We’ll leave the question about whether the FCC’s action was constitutional to the legal scholars.

But even if the FCC action is legal, that doesn’t make it right. That’s why we support U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis’ legislation to stop the FCC from overturning North Carolina’s law.

As you can see, not only is this op-ed riddled with industry talking points, this "Democrat" is actively promoting Thom Tillis' Senatorial activities. On top of that, he uses the hardships General Assembly Republicans have foisted on municipalities as a lever to discourage muni broadband:

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