Saturday 15 August 2015

Five things everyone should understand about North Carolina's Monster Voting Law trial

by Kelly Fetty

Last month the legislation pundits and press have called North Carolina's "monster" voting law spawned a monster trial in the Middle District of North Carolina. For three weeks, national and international media watched as 47 witnesses testified either live or on video, and more than a dozen experts presented thousands of pages of evidence before Judge Thomas D. Schroeder in courtroom #2 of the Hiram H. Ward Federal building in downtown Winston-Salem.

It would be impossible to summarize a month-long trial in a single post. Instead, I've settled on five core concepts that are central to the case. Understanding these concepts will help BlueNC readers navigate the legal logic of the trial — and, eventually, Judge Schroeder's written decision.

Before I go on, a caveat: I'm not a lawyer or a law student. I'm a person who writes and who attended every day of the trial. My understanding of these concepts comes from my own background research before attending the trial and from the day-in, day-out observation of the lawyers arguing the case.

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