Saturday 15 August 2015

Did Randall Kerrick plan on abusing or shooting black suspect?

It sure looks like it:

Officer Kerrick admitted that he had not fired any warning shots and had not ordered Mr. Ferrell to show his hands. He also acknowledged that he intentionally turned off his cruiser’s dashboard camera when he arrived.

“This was not just any call,” Officer Kerrick said. “This was a priority breaking-and-entering call at 2:30 in the morning with the homeowner inside the house.”

“It wasn’t an important enough call to you to leave your D.M.V.R. on, right?” Ms. Postell asked, referring to his dashboard-mounted video recorder.


Enough said. When you take a step like this to knowingly conceal your future actions, for fear they will be deemed illegal, that is (or should be) classified as "intent," if not premeditation. And once again, one of the most important witnesses of this incident cannot take the stand.

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