Thursday 20 August 2015

Bob Hall pushes for further investigation of sweepstakes corruption

But the system may be too subverted to take on the job:

“The report doesn’t connect the dots to all the money that changed hands,” Hall said Wednesday. “The DA and U.S. attorney have additional tools to investigate bribery, tax evasion, racketeering and public corruption. They need to use those tools for this case, as they have in the past.” Freeman said among her options is asking the State Bureau of Investigation to look into it further.

The SBI began looking into campaign donations from the video sweepstakes industry early last year, but by July, when the elections board report was made public, the agency said the case was closed. Freeman said she didn’t anticipate taking the matter to a grand jury without further investigation.

I find it interesting the SBI has the capacity to create blood-splatter evidence when it wants to railroad an innocent man straight to death row, but they can't follow a well-lit trail of illegal gambling proceeds without giving up and heading back home. Maybe because that trail was leading to their boss in the Governor's mansion:

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