Saturday 15 August 2015

DENR Secretary engaging in campaign politics

Joining the GOP bandwagon in viciously attacking Roy Cooper:

In a puzzling move, Cooper is putting his support behind the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which is estimated to cost consumers and businesses $41 billion or more per year. According to Energy Ventures Analysis, the average North Carolina household’s electricity and gas bill would increase by $434 in 2020, a 22 percent hike over current rates. Cooper, in essence, supports the takeover of North Carolina’s energy-generation system.

We do not share Cooper’s belief that the federal EPA is the best guardian of North Carolina’s economic and environmental interests. We prefer to allow North Carolina to continue to build on its significant record of environmental protection.

In this ten paragraph op-ed, van der Vaart references the Attorney General ten times, proving he is more concerned with scoring political points than discussing environmental issues. As to Energy Ventures Analysis, your initial assumption is correct, dear reader. The group has deep ties to the coal industry, something a "scholar" like van der Vaart should have spotted a mile away:

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