Saturday 2 September 2017

Saturday News: Hasta la vista, jerkwad


REP CHRIS MILLIS, WHO WANTED TO IMPEACH ELAINE MARSHALL, IS RESIGNING FROM NCGA: “My resignation is solely based on my need to be with my family more often and has nothing to do with any other assumptions that individuals may want to manufacture,” Millis wrote. Wayne Goodwin, chairman of the state Democratic Party, said in a statement that Millis belittled public servants for the sake of partisan politics. Representative Millis has attacked, belittled, and dragged through the mud hardworking public servants, including Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, for no reason other than partisan politics,” Goodwin said. “He’s pushed far-right policies that have made our state less safe, and we look forward to competing for his seat and bringing fresh representation to Pender and Columbus counties.”

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