Friday 1 September 2017

GOP coercion: Give us our plastic bags and we'll give you GENX funding


Playing political games during a public health crisis:

The state's plastic bag ban, in effect since 2009 on the barrier islands and peninsulas of Dare, Currituck and Hyde counties, would be repealed under the House Bill 56. House Minority Leader Darren Jackson accused Republicans of "playing games" by tying the repeal to what essentially amounts to emergency clean water funding.

Jackson, D-Wake, asked Republican bill negotiators in committee why GenX couldn't have its own bill. Rep. Pat McElraft, R-Carteret, said Senate negotiators wanted the issues joined. "It's the vehicle we used," said McElraft, who helped work out the final language. "That's the privilege that we have here, to use any vehicle we want."

No, the privilege you have is being trusted by the people to do the right thing, but it's actions like this that betray that trust. You are basically using the fear and angst of Wilmington-area citizens as an "opportunity" to get something else you want, and it doesn't get much more disgusting than that. And while we're on the subject of disgust, the penny-pinching behind this so-called "funding" should enrage those citizens:

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