Wednesday 27 September 2017

Justice denied: New judicial maps decimate District and Superior Court judges

As usual, NC Policy Watch is right on top of this mess:

The team at NC Policy Watch thought it important to remove the blinders so that legislators will have a chance to make an informed decision on HB 717, and their constituents will have a chance to analyze the maps before deciding whether or not to show up for public comment. Accordingly, we have prepared the maps that appear below.

All three maps reflect the most up-to-date proposed districts in HB 717 (released at 11:58 p.m. Monday) – prosecutorial, district court and superior court – and indicate the districts in which all current incumbents would have to run for office based on their addresses of residence.

As I've mentioned before, I am not the most adept at evaluating redistricting maps. But you don't have to be a political topographer to know that when you see 2-3 blue dots within the same borders only one of those dots is going to survive. There will be a handful of Republican judges removed by this idiotic proposal, but (unless I'm reading it wrong) a couple of dozen Democratic judges swept out of the system. Aside from being a partisan pogrom, it will also cripple NC's Court system, which is already hard-pressed to handle its current caseload.

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