Wednesday 13 July 2016

The education pirates: K-12 in deep trouble over California online charters

Purloining public education dollars, by hook or by crook:

A chain of 13 “nonprofit” online charter schools in California must pay the state attorney general an $8.5 million settlement for false advertising, misleading parents and inadequate instruction. An investigation by the San Jose Mercury News is credited with bringing many concerns about underperformance, misrepresentation of enrollment, and other issues to public view in a comprehensive way.

But, starting from the beginning, is the network really nonprofit as state law requires? California Virtual Academies (CAVA) is, according to an investigation, controlled by the for-profit, Virginia-based K12 Inc., which operates in 37 states and reported $651.4 million in revenue for the nine months ending in March of this year.

This is not a "stunning" revelation, it's more of the same evidence that's been piling up for the last 4-5 years. But that hasn't stopped the privatizers in Raleigh from moving forward with these fraudsters:

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