Saturday 30 July 2016

We need to incorporate, not dismiss Bernie supporters

They're not entirely wrong:

Virtuecrat – (noun): A sanctimonious person, usu. of the political left. The Harvard Dictionary of Political Eccentricities. Welcome, friends, to the world of the virtuecrats. You may find their school of politics familiar. In 1948 they broke with the Democrats and marched under the “Progressive” banner of FDR’s former vice president, Henry A. Wallace...

You may have detected the same note of righteous indignation in Philadelphia among some noisy followers of Bernie Sanders. They taunted moderates and told television reporters that it “doesn’t matter” who wins the election, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Some walked out. They rely on the fiction that Hillary Clinton’s nomination was “rigged.”

Calling them "Virtuecrats" is fairly accurate. Their sometimes vicious moral superiority can be tedious, to say the least. It has the effect of casting all others as either naive or a willing participant in the destruction of our democracy. Or whatever they think is happening. All that said, when you sweep away the anger and frustration and look at the issues in question, there *is* substance to their movement:

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