Tuesday 12 July 2016

Open seat on NC Court of Appeals

No Primary, no plurality restrictions, no problem:

Another election will be on the November ballot in North Carolina because an appeals court judge recently resigned to take a job in private practice. The candidate filing period for the seat on the state Court of Appeals vacated by Martha Geer begins at noon Monday at the State Board of Elections and continues until midday Friday.

Every candidate who files will appear on the fall ballot. Since Geer left her seat a couple of months ago, there won't be a primary. The candidate with the most votes will win an eight-year term on the court, which is comprised of 15 judges who hear intermediate appeals while sitting in panels of three. Candidates already are determined for three other Court of Appeals elections set for November.

Er, except for that whole problem of 14% of voters empaneling a judge, but this year's election(s) feature so many weird and confusing aspects this particular race fits in nicely.


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