Wednesday 10 January 2018

Wednesday News: Auto-erotic asphyxiation?


NC LOSES OUT ON ANOTHER AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING PLANT AS TOYOTA CHOOSES ALABAMA: North Carolina appears to have lost out on its latest bid for a vehicle manufacturing plant, with numerous media outlets reporting that Toyota and Mazda plan to build a $1.6 billion plant in Alabama. "News of our economic success seems to be a daily occurrence," she said. "Your dedication, your commitment to hard work and our skilled workforce, companies choose Alabama because of your ability to work hard and be dependable." North Carolina has tried for years to land an auto plant, creating four "mega-sites" ready to accommodate a large manufacturing operation and expanding state incentive funds to provide more money to lure "transformative projects." But all of the state's efforts have been in vain, with companies from Volvo to Mercedes to Hyundai picking other sites in the Southeast. The companies were reportedly seeking $1 billion in incentives from state and local governments to land the plant.

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