Sunday 7 January 2018

Sunday News: From the Editorial pages


BURR'S COMMITTEE NEEDS TO ADDRESS RUSSIA'S MEDDLING IN U.S. POLITICS: North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr leads the Senate Intelligence Committee and its investigation into what role, if any, international meddling may have played in the outcome of the 2016 presidential campaign. He’s acknowledged that President Trump has strongly urged him to wrap up the committee’s probe. Additionally, Burr recently told reporters he wanted to wrap up the investigation early this year – and hasn’t decided what the committee would do – put together a report or simply make public much of the information the committee gathered. “The important aspect is: Can we lay the facts down so the American people can come to their own conclusion?” Burr said. Questions about whether Trump or his campaign knew of the Russian efforts in 2016 or even more so, if they aided in them, should be thoroughly examined. But those matters are separate from the more basic concern. Questions of international interference in our electoral process are serious. They are not partisan and should not be dismissed as the 2018 elections open.

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