Thursday 18 January 2018

Thursday News: Demagogue


MARK MEADOWS (ONCE AGAIN) MAY BE KEY DRIVER OF GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: As Republicans in Congress scramble for the votes needed to pass a fourth temporary funding bill to avoid a government shutdown, House Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows wants the House to look beyond the four-week measure. “At what point are we going to have a plan on where we’re going to land or are we just going to hope Feb. 16 is better than Jan. 19 because it’s in a different month?” said Meadows, a western North Carolina Republican. Meadows said he and members of the conservative Freedom Caucus were willing to vote no – against the wishes of House leadership and the White House, which came out in support of the funding bill Wednesday. The measure includes funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, but not a fix for young immigrants brought to the country illegally.

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