Thursday 23 November 2017

Thursday News: Suborned


POPE-FUNDED THINK TANK TAKES CREDIT FOR MANIPULATING UNC BOARD OF GOVERNORS: A conservative think tank in North Carolina is taking some credit for recent university policies enacted by the legislature and the UNC Board of Governors. In its Thanksgiving-themed fundraising letter, the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal thanked its supporters and referred to them as partners in higher education reform. “Thank you for helping us make great strides this year in advancing needed reforms in North Carolina,” said the email, signed by Jenna Robinson, president of the center. “Finally we’ve seen action from the people who are in the position to make decisions,” she said. “Seeing that means that we are pointing out problems that people think are important. We will continue to point out those problems, and obviously not every problem that we point out will lead anyone to take any particular action.”

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