Sunday 26 November 2017

Sunday News: From the Editorial pages


IT'S TIME FOR LEGISLATIVE LEADERS TO COOPERATE NOT OBFUSCATE ON REDISTRICTING: Federal judges have said repeatedly that North Carolina’s Republican-dominated legislature has produced voting districts that discriminate against African-American voters -- illegally segregating them into state Senate and House districts. One court puts it bluntly, that Republican legislators had, with “surgical precision,” targeted black voters to minimize their participation in elections. So, when the court appointed an expert to draw fair districts and remedy the mess the General Assembly’s created, the legislators’ stubborn reaction didn’t come as a surprise. “It appears the special master has engaged in racial sorting to establish districts with racial targets for black voting age population,” lawyers for the legislature said Friday – objecting to the draft plan Special Master Nathaniel Persily offered up a few days earlier. So, addressing the problem the legislature CREATED marks illegal consideration of race? Let’s get real here.

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