Monday 20 November 2017

Monday News: Irony alert


TRUMP STAYING OUT OF ALABAMA RACE DUE TO "DISCOMFORT" WITH SEXUAL ASSAULT ISSUE: Budget director Mick Mulvaney said while the White House had "serious concerns," it was hard to weigh in against Moore. Moore's name cannot be removed from the ballot before the special election even if he withdraws from the race, though a write-in campaign remains possible. Trump "doesn't know who to believe. I think a lot of folks don't," Mulvaney said. Short, pressed repeatedly about whether Trump still supported Moore, said: "I don't think you have seen him issue an endorsement. You have not seen him issue robocalls." Short added, "I think you can infer by the fact that he has not gone down to support Roy Moore his discomfort in doing so." Moore has forcefully denied the charges as "unsubstantiated" and "fake" even as more women have come forward to make complaints of sexual improprieties.

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