Tuesday 24 October 2017

Tuesday Twitter roundup

This is not a bad idea...

"They should install 'FOR SALE' signs in front of every courthouse and on every judge’s bench." https://t.co/Nx9ecynTDK #ncga #ncpol http://pic.twitter.com/EgjB852oAs

— Democracy NC (@democracync) October 24, 2017

I was at a local candidates' forum last night (I'm not running this year) and four different people asked me something along the lines of, "What's going on with the judges?" I didn't even know where to start, so I covered the making them all run every two years thing, and the possible referendum to get rid of elections and do Legislative appointments. One of those people blew my mind when he said, "So, they're going to make voters struggle through a long list of judicial races, and then ask them if making appointments is a better idea, huh? It will probably work." I hadn't thought of that combination, but it makes perfect sense, considering the GOP's devious nature.


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