Friday 20 October 2017

Bigoted, uninformed, and irredeemable: The demagogue Dan Forest


He makes Tami Fitzgerald seem reasonable in comparison:

Governor Cooper's Executive Order once again opens the bathroom stall for those who would seek to do women and children harm while falsely claiming they are transgender. While I take at face value the Governor's intent to help transgender people use the bathroom of their identity, his order creates a legal loophole that will be exploited by non-transgender pedophiles, stalkers and perverts. All bathrooms at state rest areas, parks and museums will now be fertile ground for sexual deviants who will falsely claim to be transgender to gain protected access to our women and children.

This is from his official page, not his personal or campaign stuff. In other words, you and I are paying for this hyperbolic nonsense, this monster-under-the-bed immature fear-mongering. James is right, we need to do everything in our power to bring this bible-thumping televangelist down on his knees and out the door.

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