Friday 13 October 2017

Meadows attempts to spread his disease to Democrats


And they need to run like scalded dogs:

In a bid to help shape and build support for the tax package, the North Carolina Republican has been reaching across the aisle to a handful of moderate Democrats, he told The Hill in an interview. The outreach includes Rep. John Delaney (Md.), who has said he's running for president in 2020, and Rep. John Garamendi, the former California insurance commissioner and lieutenant governor.

Meadows's top ally, former Freedom Caucus chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), has taken part in many of those informal, bipartisan discussions. A number of skeptical, moderate Republicans could peel off from the GOP tax-reform bill, so Meadows and Jordan are looking to make up for those losses with Democratic votes.

Oh, hell no. If those Democrats truly are interested in coming up with some bi-partisan approach that will give them some leverage on this issue, they need to deal with a genuine moderate Republican (if they can find one) and not a Tea-Party megalomaniac like Mark Meadows. Seriously, this dude would shut down government and throw us into another deep recession if he thought it would give him half a point in the polls and an extra five minutes in front of a camera. And while this idea might look good on paper:

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