Wednesday 9 August 2017

Wednesday News: Not off our coast


NC DEQ IS TAKING PUBLIC COMMENTS ON SEISMIC TESTING AND OFFSHORE DRILLING: President Donald Trump promised an America-First offshore energy strategy that could include drilling in the Atlantic Ocean. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has made opposition to drilling a centerpiece of his new administration. “I can sum it up in four words: Not off our coast,” Cooper said last month. “It is simply not worth the risk.” Now North Carolina residents are getting their chance to have their voices heard on the issue. About 175 people attended and 45 people spoke at a N.C. Department of Environmental Quality public event in Wilmington on Monday night, according to Bridget Munger with the state’s DEQ. It was the first of three DEQ-sponsored events this week. The deadline for states to submit comments to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is Aug. 17. DEQ is accepting public comments through Aug. 15.

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