Friday 25 August 2017

Thursday News: A victory for common sense


AFTER COOPER VETOES "GARBAGE JUICE" BILL, COMPANIES BACK OFF ON USING THE TECHNOLOGY: The aerosolization process theoretically allows the water to evaporate, with the heavier particles of pollution falling back onto the landfill. Environmental groups argue the technology is unproven and could spread contaminants to areas around landfills. Some have even dubbed the liquid "garbage juice," noting it contains bacteria from rotted food and diaper waste as well as heavy metals and other toxic pollutants that have seeped to the bottom and edges of the landfill. Republican legislative leaders have been pushing for years to force the state Department of Environmental Quality to allow the practice, but some waste management companies now say aerosolization doesn't work and they're no longer interested in using it. Waste company Republic Services, which tested the process at a landfill in Lenoir, said this week the trial was a failure. "We have concluded that the technique is not a viable alternative for our liquids management in North Carolina," the company said in a statement. "We have no plans for its future use or application."

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