Sunday 27 August 2017

Violent Klan leader in Caswell County gets off scot-free in stabbing incident

Corrupt DA's exit leaves prosecutor's office ineffective and the people unprotected:

Jacqueline Perez was appointed interim district attorney for Caswell and Person counties following the abrupt resignation of District Attorney Wallace Bradsher, who is accused of defrauding the state through a scheme in which he and former Rockingham County District Attorney Craig Blitzer allegedly hired each other’s wives for “no-show” positions.

Perez wrote in Barker’s dismissal that there was “insufficient evidence to warrant prosecution” because the state’s motion to continue the trial was denied. She added, “The district attorney’s office contacted the victim and he told the state he was not coming back to North Carolina to prosecute the case.”

Yes, this is the same guy who recently told the Latino reporter, "We're gonna burn you out, to me you're a n****r. Hey, we killed six million Jews the last time, eleven million (meaning undocumented immigrants) is nothing." He also applauded the guy who ran over Heather Heyer in Charlottesville. But to refresh your memory, here is what he did to get the felony aiding and abetting charge, which actually should have been conspiracy to commit murder:

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