Friday 7 July 2017

Two Democrats already step forward to challenge Patrick McHenry

May the wind fill their sails:

David Brown announced this week that he is running for his party's nomination for House in the 2018 primary, making him the second Democrat seeking to represent the district that stretches from West Asheville to suburbs just west of Charlotte. The Gaston County resident is a 43-year-old information technology consultant making his first bid for public office. Kenneth Queen, a Navy veteran from Rutherford County, is the other Democrat in the race so far.

They are seeking the right to challenge incumbent U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-Lincoln, who is his party's presumptive nominee. "I'm hoping for an anti-Trump wave for sure," Brown said. "Patrick's been up there for a long time and he's not done a lot for this district. Many people don't know who he is because he's that out of touch."

Better not rely too much on the Trump Revulsion Phenomena (TRP). Weasels can be hard to trap, and if you spook 'em they're liable to burrow into their safe little gerrymandered tunnels. This particular weasel defeated his last Dem opponent by a whopping 27%, if you can believe it. It will take a monumental effort to dislodge this parasite, but that effort must be made, nonetheless.

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